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Investing today for a cleaner and more efficient business operation.

We believe that it's today's generation that has the opportunity to change the future for the better. 

Using yesterdays technology in today's environment is not only inefficient, but it's more environmentally polluting.

Our business is dedicated to continuous long term investment into cleaner and more efficient technologies, to help preserve a better future for all to enjoy.

Cleaner Future

Making change today for a cleaner tomorrow.

Higher Efficiency

Less waste through higher operational efficiency.

Less Waste

Passing our operational savings onto our customers.

a white light bulb sitting on top of a white table

95% More Energy Efficient

 Our business office space and on-site security lighting is fitted with A Rated LED energy efficient light bulbs. 

smoke billows from the stacks of smoke stacks

70% Less CO2 Emissions

We have upgraded our on-site heating from a Gas Boiler to a carbon neutral Bio Diesel Heater, which has an energy efficiency rating of 93%.

a pile of white shredded paper sitting on top of a table

100% Less Landfill Waste

We recycle all of our produced office paper waste and cardboard.

white wind turbines on brown grass field under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

100% Green Energy Supplier

We have switched our electricity supplier to 100% Carbon Neutral Energy. 

green ocean waves at daytime

33% Less Water Usage

Our water taps are fitted with auto shut off valves and our toilets have water saving bags for a smaller flush. 

a field of yellow flowers

70% Less Road Emissions

Our commercial vehicles have been professionally converted to run on 70% British made Bio Diesel, to help us reduce our overall road transport CO2 and particulate emissions.